Millions of Americans are no doubt feeling devastated and demoralized this morning by the outcome of this year's election. Few ever imagined a Trump-dominated Republican party, already with a majority of Supreme Court appointees, now gaining control of the White House and likely both houses of Congress in one fell swoop.
But might Shakespeare's "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good" apply here?
Along with a host of possible bad consequences, here are some potential good outcomes that could result from yesterday's tally:
1. This should mark the end of the fundamental and widespread lie about the American voting process being untrustworthy. The Democratic half of the nation's voters were already convinced that no elections were being stolen, and now skeptical Republicans will no longer be able to claim that the system was rigged against them.
2. The almost cult-like veneration surrounding the newly elected president is almost sure to fade. The candidate who promised to "fix everything about our country" plus instantly end all wars around the world will find himself unable to deliver. And this time there may be no opposition party to blame when food prices go up for lack of sufficient immigrant farm workers, the national debt soars (as predicted) due to tax policies favoring the already favored, and consumers feel the effect of rising prices as a result of increased tariffs.
3. There is a strong likelihood of a peaceful transfer of power this time, with losing candidates making their customary and timely concession speeches. Had Harris and the Democrats won we could have seen multiple January 6 kinds of insurrections happening all over the country, led by outraged Trump supporters.
4. In the inevitable decline of the American empire (under any future administration) believers who have put their faith in political systems to bring about a Golden Age of America may come to realize that without serious repentance, no nation will be spared God's judgment.
May we all humble ourselves, do justice, love mercy and pray that God's will and God's ways may eventually prevail throughout the world.
Thoughtful and helpful, Harvey. Thanks.
Thanks, Harvey, for your thoughtful comments.
Sent to me by Tom. Your words were helpful for today. I shared them with family who concurred with me.
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