
Friday, June 28, 2024

We're All "Drinking Like Fish"

For a mere $3.99, you can get three liters of this form of
liquid junk food at your nearest supermarket.  
"It's OK to drink like a fish," someone has quipped, "if you drink what a fish drinks." 

I'm told fish actually absorb the water they need rather than drinking it, but that being said, there's clearly no good substitute for our consuming lots of good, plain H2O, especially in the increased heat we're experiencing on our planet these days. And it doesn't need to be purchased in environmentally awful plastic bottles, either, at a cost that's a thousand times higher than tap water, while normally being neither better nor safer.

So just draw plenty of good fresh water from your tap, add a bit of ice if needed, and enjoy.

The huge volume of alternative drinks we consume are of course mostly water mixed with added flavors and excessive amounts of sugar. Even real fruit juice, or real carrot, apple or grape juices, consist mostly of water. Real orange juice, for example is just under 90% H2O. So based on sources I've read we'd all be better off drinking pure, plain water and then simply eating real oranges and real grapes, carrots or other fruit or vegetables we grow in our gardens or purchase from the outer aisles of the supermarket.

Understandably, the production, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages has gotten most of our attention due to the potential harm they cause to personal and community health, but we've paid little attention to the health and other costs associated with sugar-laden soft drink and other non-alcoholic beverages. A 20 oz. can of Coca-Cola, for example, contains 39 grams of sugar, exceeding the total daily recommended limit of sugar, which is no more than 9 teaspoons for men and 6 teaspoon for women.  According to Hartford Healthcare much of that sugar and many of the calories we consume in processed food and drinks are in the form of high fructose corn syrup, known to contribute to weight gain and to other health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease. This widely used sweetener also tends to increase our appetite, leading to overeating and obesity.

Are diet drinks better? According to the Mayo Clinic,"Although switching from regular soda to diet soda may save you calories, it's not yet clear if it's effective for preventing obesity and related health problems in the long term. Healthier low-calorie choices abound, including water, skim milk, and unsweetened tea or coffee."

So let's drink lots of fluids to stay healthy, but make good plain water our primary choice.

The US produces and consumes more soft drinks than any other economy on the globe, and the total amount spent is on the rise. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ex-Amish Alaskan Homesteader Affirms Her Upbringing, Becomes An Internet Sensation

Elise Matson was never baptized in the faith that
nurtured her, so is not under the Amish ban. 
Elise Matson left her Amish community as a teenager, choosing to live off the grid in a remote area of Alaska in much the same way her family and her Amish neighbors still do in the rural Tennessee community in which she grew up. She still maintains ties to her family and continues to practice a simple lifestyle in spite of the notoriety of having gained over 1.2 million followers on Tic Toc, with many of the posts about her chosen lifestyle having gone viral. 

Aware of the many misconceptions people have of the Amish, she chose to use social media as a way of correcting some of the stereotypes that persist about the community of faith for which she still has a deep appreciation. Not all Amish are the same, of course, since there is no central authority that dictates their practices, and each Amish district is essentially self governing.

I'm sure the fact that her posts have generated so much interest is based on the realization of many that the technological and other innovations they have embraced have taken a heavy toll on the quality of their personal lives and their relationships with others.

Like any community of faith the Amish are far from perfect, but we would all do well to emulate some of the values of modesty, simplicity and peaceableness that many of them have maintained in their close-knit, community-based way of life. More of their kind could help save the planet and help ensure the survival of the human family.

Here is a link to some of her posts.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Seven Reasons Not To Fast As A Part Of Fundraising For The Hungry

I recently posted a blog proposing a modest  fundraising and consciousness raising idea, as follows: 

• That in the face of incredible levels of hunger and homelessness in Gaza and elsewhere that congregations take up a special offering on a Sunday prior to the annual Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale to raise some additional support for Mennonite Central Committee's relief work, especially for the sake of those unable to attend the Sale.

• That churches encourage people to fast from Saturday dinner to the following Sunday noon (in other words, simply skip Sunday breakfast).

• That some person or persons who have served in an MCC or similar assignments in a needy part of the world share their stories in that Sunday service.

• That the youth of the church or some other willing group prepare a simple Sunday noon congregational meal of rice and beans or some similar fare of the kind that millions of the less privileged subsist on every day.

• That in these ways we help raise a record half million dollars this year for MCC's ministry to the hungry and homeless (last year's Relief Sale total was over $400,000).

Much to my surprise, I've gotten almost no positive responses to this proposal so far, but plenty of reasons why the above idea may not fly. 

Here are some examples, and maybe you'll want to add your own as a comment:

1. "People are already overwhelmed with so many fundraising and other projects they're asked to support."

2. "A lot of our people are already deeply involved in efforts like the Relief Sale, and may not feel like they can take on one more thing."

3. "Some of our members have health issues that make missing a meal a problem."

4. "Our Hospitality Committee is already overwhelmed with the number of Sunday meals they're asked to prepare."

5. "As a pastor, skipping breakfast on the day I have to preach doesn't feel like a great idea."

6. "I don't like making people feel guilty as a way of getting them to give more than they're already giving."

7. "The Relief Sale has always been associated with enjoying lots of good food, not doing without it."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Are Congregations Cruise Ships Or Mercy Ships?

Since 1978, Mercy Ships has provided free healthcare at ports in over 70 needy countries around the world.

Churches have often been compared to the Biblical ark, God-blessed vessels providing safe passage and a secure refuge in an age plagued with doom and gloom. Using the ark analogy, should we see ourselves primarily as those being rescued or as those committed to a mission of reaching out to and rescuing others?

Many churches are focused primarily on the former, becoming like cruise ships with passengers lured on board by a professional team of pastors, youth leaders and praise and worship bands catering to their every need. The success of such congregations tends to be measured by how many people sign on for all of the comforts and amenities promised.

But what if we thought of the church as a community dedicated to an all-hands-on-deck mission of offering help, mercy and good news for the spiritually ill and physically needy? 

To me, Mercy Ships are a fitting metaphor for such mission-driven communities of God followers. Like the crews of those vessels of mercy, committed congregational members see themselves as a part of an enlisted and trained team devoted to Jesus's mission to "bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to captives, the recovery of sight to the blind, and to let the oppressed go free."

According to the Mercy Ship website, "Our hospital ships are filled with state-of-the-art medical equipment and a volunteer crew of doctors, nurses, medical staff, technicians, teachers, physical therapists and other caring people driven by mercy to help make the world a better, healthier place for all."

By comparison, the Carnival Cruise Lines states the following as its basic aims:
Ensure safe, responsible and secure operations
Warmly welcome our guests and team members to our home, making them feel a part of the Carnival family
Embrace our diversity and be inclusive
Engage by being friendly, smiling and using names
Show trust, care and respect for each other, our ships and the environment
Anticipate needs, respond rapidly & own issues until they are resolved
Live & share a positive attitude
Show pride in our jobs and our company
Include fun in everything we do!

So here we have two very different kinds of rescue ships, one set up to equip its crew of believers to make the world a more shalom-like place and the other to primarily help those on board feel good and to enjoy a good life on their way to paradise.

A state of the art cruise ship featured in Architectural Design magazine.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Fasting And Feasting To Raise A Half Million $$$ For The Hungry This Year

This year's Relief Sale will be held October 4-5 at the 
Rockingham County Fairgrounds, and could raise a
record half million dollars.

I have long been in awe of all the dedicated volunteers who make the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale a success each year. The money raised for Mennonite Central Committee at this annual event may seem negligible in light of the unprecedented needs of millions of our hungry and homeless neighbors around the world, but every half million dollars helps, and I believe the Sale might actually be able to raise that amount this year (last year's total was well over $400,000).

I occasionally hear people question whether indulging in so much food and purchasing so many unneeded items at the Sale is the best way to raise money for the hungry and destitute, but I can't believe Jesus would object to an occasional feast or festive occasion for a good cause as long as everyone's invited. After all, he frequently enjoyed a good meal, and with some unsavory characters at that, so much so that some even brought accusations like, "Look at him! He eats too much and drinks too much wine, and he is a friend of tax collectors and sinners!" (Luke 7:34, CEV)

So let's just assume an occasional feast or festivity is a good thing. 

But what Jesus clearly does object to is "faring sumptuously every day," like the rich man Jesus warns us about in Luke 16:19. As an observant Jew, Jesus observed both feast days and fast days, and in fact fasted for 40 whole days in preparation for his public ministry. 

All major religions I know of commend fasting as a spiritual practice, accompanied by prayer, repentance, reflection on our dependence on God, and being in solidarity with millions who suffer from want. In both Catholic and (most) Protestant traditions there are regular times designated for doing without--or doing with less--as in the observance of 40 days of Lent, as an act of self-denial versus self-indulgence. 

So here's a modest proposal for a fast in preparation for the Relief Sale's efforts this year:

1) Encourage your congregation to designate a day between now and the Relief Sale for some kind of fast for world hunger. This could mean abstaining from food from sunset on a Saturday to a Sunday noon, for example.

2) Encourage your congregation to have have a simple meal to help identify with those not blessed with the food abundance we are (rice and beans or some similar fare) and to host it as a fundraiser for the Relief Sale on some Sunday noon, especially for those not able to attend the Sale in person.

3) Have your church encourage those who can attend to not only assist in raising money by buying food and other items but to match or exceed that amount with a cash, check or credit card gift at the Everence giving table.

4) Encourage people to give online or send a check to VMRS, 601 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802, with SOS on the memo line.

If enough followers of Jesus in our community were to do that we could easily raise a record amount of funds to bless those in need.