
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Putin Threatens To Use Nuclear Weapons On Civilian Targets

Russia has nuclear weapons that are far, far more powerful
than this one that destroyed Hiroshima.
Vladimir Putin clearly deserves worldwide condemnation for his heartless attacks on vulnerable human targets all across Ukraine. His policy of massive destruction of homes, apartment buildings, hospitals, schools and playgrounds is unconscionable and deserving of being punishable as war crimes.

According to an October 14 AP article Putin defended his actions with, “What is happening today is unpleasant, to put it mildly, but we would have had all this a little later, only under worse conditions for us, that’s all. So my actions are correct and timely.”

"Unpleasant" but "correct and timely" sounds so calculating and cruel for something as barbaric as these attacks have been, as are his alarming threats to use nuclear weapons if necessary to achieve his ends. 

But where and when have we witnessed equally unthinkable holocausts? And committed by whom?

The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, killing between 129,000 and 226,000 people, mostly civilians. Nine American prisoners of war in Hiroshima were also victims.The bombings of these two cities represent the only use of nuclear weapons in history.  Wikipedia


  1. Putin is famous for following through on what he says he will do. I don't know why Biden is not on the phone with him right now.
    But for some reason the Biden administration wants the war to continue, regardless of even nuclear risks.
