
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A Home-going Celebration For Nephew Pablo Yoder, Author And Missionary To Nicaragua


"Where, O death, is your victory, Where, O grave, is your sting?" 
Eunice, to the left of Pablo's casket, with their children and grandchildren.

Oh Paul, our beloved Pablo
    called to be an apósto 
a missionary bearing Good News
to those God loves in an untamed 
and breathtakingly beautiful land--
God's servant and lover of God's creation in far off Nicaragua

Oh Paul, our beloved Pablo
autor... of over two dozen widely read books
     pastor... to all in need of God's love and care
     padre... to two sons and four daughters 
     abuelo... to nine beloved grandchildren
     marido... to his one and only Eunice
Adiós, amado y fiel servidor...
Farewell, beloved and faithful servant!

Here is Pablo's obituary as read at his memorial service (translated from Spanish by his brother-in-law Duane Nisly):

Today we gather to celebrate the life of a Christian warrior, Pablo Yoder. He was born on the 23rd of May, 1958, and died on the 14th of October, 2022, having lived 64 years, 4 months, and 22 days. May he rest in peace.

Pablo was converted at age 15 and served his Lord fervently until the Lord called him home to rest at 64 years of age. He served as pastor in the Pital Mennonite Church in Pital de San Carlos for 11 years. He was sent to Nicaragua as a missionary in 1995 where he died, having served as pastor for 27 years in the church in Waslala. In gratitude to God, Pablo has asked that his vigil and funeral service be a celebration to God and that it would also serve as an invitation to sinners who would desire to make their life right with God.

Pablo was preceded in death by his father, Sanford Yoder, his son-in-law, Jonathan Miller, and a nephew, Nathan Nisly. His surviving family grieves his death. First is his wife Eunice
(Swartzentruber) who served faithfully at his side for 39 years of married life. Jacinto, the oldest son, married to Kendra (Stoltzfus) who live in Zapote Kum, Nicaragua. Jessica, married to Abner Esh live in Quebradón, Costa Rica. Janie lives at home in Waslala. Luana, married to Eddy Montenegro live in Zapote Kum, Nicaragua. Cynthia, married to Josías Villalobos live in Quebradón, Costa Rica. Kenneth lives at home in Waslala. His 9 grandchildren will miss their grandfather greatly.

The family has endeavored to make the most of the last 60 days of his life after it was discovered he suffered from an advanced stage of kidney cancer. They proclaim with confidence that Pablo has triumphed in his Christian profession and that he is enjoying a place far better that his earthly one. It is in that place that the family waits to join with Jesus and with Pablo someday and live there forever.

A procession of vehicles and people on foot stretched for a half mile as it wound its way through Waslala to the cemetery.

An estimated one thousand people attended Pablo's viewing, funeral and burial services, with hundreds being fed after the viewing with a steer Pablo requested be butchered for the occasion.
Pablo 64, soon after he learned he had stage 4 cancer, with Martha his mother, beloved wife of my brother Sanford. Sanford, a lifelong missionary in Costa Rica, passed away at his home in February of this year. His son Pablo died at his home in Nicaragua October 14.

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