
Friday, November 6, 2020

Some Excerpts Of Recent Concession Speeches

As someone interested in history, I'm intrigued by the following quotations:  

"Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don't just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things. The rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values, too, and we must defend them." Hillary Clinton, 2016

"Our leaders have to reach across the aisle to do the people's work, and we citizens also have to rise to the occasion."  Mitt Romney, 2012

"His (Barak Obama's) success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance. and that he managed to do so by inspiring hope for millions of Americans." John McCain, 2008

"What you did made a difference, and building on itself we will go on to make a difference another day. I promise you that day will come." John Kerry, 2004

"I want to say that what remains a partisan rancor must be set aside and may God bless his (George Bush's) stewardship of the country." Al Gore, 2000

"I want the country to know that our whole administration will work closely with his (Bill Clinton's) team to ensure the smooth transition of power." George H. W. Bush 1992


  1. A nice reminder of what American life was like when people of principal were in politics. Even some of these who were flawed look and sound mighty good by today's standards.
