
Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Mother's Day Blessing For My Alma Jean!

The flowers arrived yesterday with: Happy Mother's Day! From your loving children and grandchildren, 
Brad, Joanna, Brent and Heidi, Maddie, Ian, Keaton, John David and Maria.
We love you! (my reflections below)
Without you, I could never have become the father of our three wonderful children and six precious grandchildren;
Without you, I could never have been blessed to be the husband of one of the most beautiful and gracious women I have ever met;
Without you, I could have never served in the role of pastor, teacher and counselor as I was able to with your blessing and support;
Without you, I would not have been able to become the me I’ve been able to become, a very imperfect but growing human being, and a friend and companion who will forever love you, stand by you, parent and grandparent with you, and be faithful to you in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, for richer or for poorer, until death do us part!

Today my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the blessing of having Alma Jean as my wife, lover, best friend and the faithful mother of our children! 
- Harvey


  1. ...Happy Mother's Day Alma Jean. I feel the same about my sweet wife of 54 years, Janette, I'm a lucky fellow!
