
Friday, March 16, 2018

A Royal Case of "Chain Migration"

"Once upon a time, when judges ruled over Israel..."
In the Bible's book of Ruth, sandwiched between some of the war-ridden writings of Judges and Samuel, is the wonderful story of a young widow, Ruth, who is given a warm welcome by her mother-in-law's relatives in a foreign land.

At a time when US immigrants face increasing barriers and a lack of that kind of welcome, this is a refreshing tale. Ruth's only means of inclusion as an outsider is through her having married into a Hebrew family, not because she has any other special credentials.

Her aging mother-in-law, who herself had migrated with her late husband to Ruth's native land, Moab. is now returning in her old age. Ruth, who loves her and who sees her as her primary adopted family, insists on accompanying her.

Not only is Ruth loved and welcomed by Naomi's kin, she becomes the great grandmother of King David, the royal line of Jesus' ancestry.

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