
Friday, August 28, 2015

Meet The Sibanda Family

Pastor Busani and family from Bulawayo, Zimbabwa
While attending Mennonite World Conference in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at the end of July I spent some  time between sessions getting to know delegates from parts of the world I may never get to visit, especially from the less affluent Global South. 

One of these was Busani Sibanda, full time pastor of the Brethren in Christ Church at Cowdray Park in Bulawayo, Zimabwe, and someone with whom I'm beginning to have some email conversation. His wife is doing her first year of student teaching in early childhood education and their three children, daughter 18 and sons 16 and 14, are each in school. 

The collapsing economy in their country has made life extremely difficult for them and for members of their congregation, and Busani has to supplement his meager church salary with some house painting he does on the side.  

School is not free in Zimbabwe, and they have to scrape up $600 per student per term to keep them enrolled. Given their income, this creates a significant hardship for the family, and they ask for our prayers

I plan to post some updates here on our newfound friends as I am able.

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