
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Community Organizations Endorse October 20 Mark Earley Visit

Mark L. Earley, Sr.
The following is addressed to community organizations and congregations and is from J. Daryl Byler, director of EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding:

25 August 2015


Former Attorney General Mark Earley, past CEO of Colsen-founded Prison Fellowship, member of the national Right on Crime organization, and co-chair of Governor McAuliffe's Commission on Parole Review, has agreed to speak to our community this fall to outline his views on criminal justice reform. 

This event, set for 7 p.m. October 20 at the at Martin Chapel auditorium in the Eastern Mennonite Seminary building, is open to the public and will also provide opportunity for concerned citizens to air their views.

As a way of promoting this event, we are inviting groups like yours to lend their endorsement and support. You can do so by simply agreeing, in writing, to have your organization's name attached to all publicity and for you to promote attendance through your email and other contacts. While financial support is also welcome, none is required.

Please email or write Harvey Yoder <> if you can help us promote Mr. Earley's visit in this way.

Warm regards,

J. Daryl Byler, Executive Director
Center for Justice and Peacebuilding


Note: I will keep adding names of groups to the following list as we receive them:

Center for Justice and Peacebuilding
Harrisonburg/Rockingham/Page Reentry Council
Harrisonburg/Rockingham Building Better Community Working Group 
The Fairfield Center
Harrisonburg/Rockingham Interfaith Association
Community Mennonite Church
The Mahatma Ghandi Center for Global Nonviolence
The Harriet Tubman Center
JMU Department of Justice Studies
Gemeinschaft Home
Virginia Organizing
Martin Luther King_Jr._Way Coalition
Harrisonburg Democratic Committee
NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center
Northeast Neighborhood Association
Immanuel Mennonite Church
On The Road Collaborative
Harrisonburg Police Department
Harrisonburg City School Board
Valley Family Forum
Harrisonburg NAACP
Our Community Place
Harrisonburg Mennonite Church
Harrisonburg Fellowship of Reconciliation
Community Mennonite Church
Staunton Institute For Reform and Solutions

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