Everence volunteer Patty Skelton attaches an "I donated" sticker to donor David Detrow. (photo courtesy of Jim Bishop) |
The preliminary (and still tentative) result of the SOS (Sharing Our Surplus) fundraising effort for refugee relief, a part of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale efforts yesterday, was $35, 519 according to the Sale treasurer Rodney Burkholder.
Another $500 has been pledged, and those unable to donate at the Sale are still adding to that number by donating online at https://vareliefsale.com/donate/ or by sending a check to Relief Sale, 601 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 (with SOS on the memo line).
The Chair of the Sale Board, Dave Rush, as you can see below, listed the preliminary total at $35, 520, a dollar more.
That $1 difference reminded me of a moment yesterday when I stopped by the Everence giving tent and noted an unnamed teen coming to the giving table and contributing a dollar bill from his wallet. Not a large amount, but I wondered if that may have represented a greater sacrifice on his part than that of many others of us who helped raise income for the October 11-2 Sale.
Sample SOS giving amounts are as follows, gleaned from information provided by the Everence staff:
$7000 1
$2500 1
$1000 1
$500 5
$400 2
$300 2
$250 2
$150 1
$100 11
$50 4
$40 1
$20 7
$15 1
$10 3
$2-$9 6
$1 1
Due to some generous early givers, over $20,000 was contributed to the SOS fund prior to the Sale, and the above simply represents my own rough count of Friday and Saturday's results.
Moral of the story? Every gift counts, and every dollar contributed through SOS goes directly for refugee relief around the world.. Let's keep this going!
Here is Dave Rush's preliminary report, which doesn't include 2020 as that was a very different year due to Covid restrictions, but which brought in the Relief Sale contributing the largest amount to MCC ever:
2021 2019 2018 2017 2016
Preliminary total proceeds 355,000 381,033 370,000 360,000 338,300
Actual Final Proceeds ?????? 406,098 370,181 393,467 360,728
Auction 138,988 128,083 115,489 131,894 141,124
My Coins Count 16,052 24,804 23,542 26,084 22,184
SOS Giving Campaign 35,520 22,777 31,508 40,989
Special Local Project 3300 5750 5300 10,650 13,200
Friday night supper 11,753 13,498 12,569 13,772 13,021
Saturday breakfast 14,222 19,992 17,531 18,263 16,903
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