
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hundreds Pay Tribute To A Beloved Cousin

Barbara Yoder Hershberger, 1939-2024
The Bustle in a House
The Morning after Death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon Earth –

The Sweeping up the Heart
And putting Love away
We shall not want to use again
Until Eternity --

- Emily Dickenson

We attended the memorial service for one of my favorite cousins Sunday, a lifelong friend who passed away unexpectedly last week from an apparent heart failure. 

Our family and hers were especially close growing up. Barbara was the cousin nearest to my age and was like a very special sister and confidante during my teen years. 

Over 150 people were at the 3-5 pm viewing at her church Saturday, with an equal number at a second 4-6 family visitation time. We had to wait a full hour to get through the line. Then some 400 people attended her funeral service Sunday morning, well over triple the usual attendance at her church's morning service.

Why would so many turn out for this extraordinary woman, one whose life by some measures may have seemed very ordinary?

I believe it was primarily because she so devoted her life to nurturing strong bonds with her family and her church family. And also because she was such a genuinely gracious, kind and good woman, a caring, Christ-like servant who blessed all whose lives she touched.

I truly want to be more like Barbara, whose primary aim was to be faithful follower of Jesus.

Here is a tribute that was read in Sunday's service, written by daughters Anita and Rosetta:

Mom was a fun-loving, social, and adventurous person. She loved her husband and eight children well and was dedicated to teaching and bringing up us children in the way of the Lord. She, along with Dad, fostered in us the love of singing which passed on to her grandchildren. She always cared about our lives and spent much time listening to and reassuring those of us with more sensitive consciences. She enjoyed reaching out to neighbors and offered a listening ear to those who needed to talk. She loved social activities and hated to miss out on anything.

Serving hot, tasty food to her family was one way she loved them. She enjoyed gardening and often canned and froze extra food during the summer so there was plenty when the family came home. Quality time was high on her list of priorities. Activities with the grandchildren such as walks, building dams in the creek, and playing games gave her joy. A good game of Scrabble or spending time around a campfire also meant a lot to her.

She and dad prayed for the children and grandchildren daily. Reading her Bible was important to her and when her eyesight was getting worse, she read Scripture on her Samsung tablet or listened on audio. She was concerned that we followed the Lord with our whole heart and followed biblical principles.

Mom and Dad had a heart for service which also transferred to their children. She unselfishly bid her children farewell many times as they boarded yet another plane for mission work. She invested many hours to bring the Fresh Air children from New York City to the country and interviewed numerous local families to find placements for them. Occasionally, dad and mom rode the bus from NYC to VA with the rowdy children; she loved it.
The annual widows’ luncheon sponsored each year by the church was a highlight. She found joy in taking the calls when widows phoned to sign up and interacting with them at the event.
We will always remember her loving smile, laughter, care, and servant attitude. Even in her last hours she displayed patience. May we carry on her legacy of living life to the fullest and blessing others for Christ.
Mom, you will be greatly missed, but we know that you are in the presence and care of our Loving Heavenly Father.