
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Praying As A Holy Collaboration With God

Faced with insufficent food for children who are desperately
hungry, many volunteers in Gaza sacrifice their own meals.
"You pray for the hungry. 
Then you feed them. 
That's how prayer works." 

- Pope Francis

We humans are prone to use prayer as a substitute for action rather than a mobilization for action. We expect God to do for us what God is in fact is wanting to do in and through us.

So how can our prayers become more a means of changing our hearts and minds and less an attempt to change God's mind? More like reporting for duty and less just showing up for blessings? More of collaborating with God in serving others and less of persuading God to favor ourselves?

God's prayers might go something like this:

My people who live on earth, 
Blessed are those who claim my name!
May my reign be evident among you
So that my will will be carried out on earth 
As it is here in heaven
Share your daily bread so none will hunger
Forgive others' offenses against you
As I have freely forgiven your offenses
Exercise faith and courage in the face of opposition
Never allowing yourself to be overcome by evil
For I am your Sovereign
I am your Strength
I am your Shalom

From a letter to believers in Thessalonica c. 51 CE: "May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for others and for everyone else, just as ours does for you."                                                                   - the apostle Paul

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