
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Guest Post: "Thank You, God, For Letting Me Carry On My Granny's Legacy"

Phoebe Brenneman, pictured here with Catherine, one of her seven beloved grandchildren, will long be remembered as a faithful friend and servant much like the Phoebe of whom the apostle Paul once wrote: “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon (diakonos) of the church... she has been a benefactor of many and of myself as well." (Romans 16:1-2 NRSV)

Catherine Brenneman, granddaughter of local resident Phoebe Brenneman and daughter of Joy and Tim Brenneman of Tifton, Georgia, wrote this touching tribute to her beloved grandmother, whose memorial service was held a week ago at the Zion Mennonite Church, where I served as pastor to Deward and Phoebe Brenneman and their family for over a decade.

I post this with Catherine's kind permission:

I love you, Lord.

You're so bright in this darkness of death.

Thank you for the 25 years I had with my Granny. She taught me a lot about loving others. She loved me so much.

Thank you for the promise that I will see her again; it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but I have the assurance that I will see her again.

Thank you for opening my heart and making me happy because only You can make me happy right now.

Thank you for opening my heart in 2003 and becoming my Lord and Savior. This gives me the assurance that I will see Granny and Pop-Pop again. This is the only way I can be happy. Thank you, God, for the happiness in my heart. Thank you, God, for being everywhere and giving me peace.

God, you are my shepherd, my healer, my provider and I thank you for that.

Thank you, Lord, that you know my feelings. Help me control them and use them for your glory.

Help me to live heavenly minded right now, Lord, from this earth.

Lord, help me share the gospel through this sadness because I know that is what you would want me to do. Granny would want me to do that, too.

Help me, Lord, to cast my cares on you like my Granny did.

Help me carry out her legacy and help me understand how many people she touched.

Help me be a vessel for you, a mouthpiece for you like my Granny.

Help me be still in your Word.

Let my light shine for you, Jesus, even in this dark time help me to always talk about you, Lord, no matter how hurt I am.

Help my weapon to be worship at all times, Lord.

God is greater than my feelings, so Lord, help me to be at peace and to not let the devil steal my joy. He must go away. Help me to always put on the armor of God because it fits me well and that is what will help me get through this.

Help me to read your word and follow me more, Jesus, like my Granny Phoebe did. Thank you for letting me come to you; give me rest, Lord, just like you gave my Granny.

I love you, Jesus, through the hard times and the good times. I will always love you.

If you know the Lord as your Savior you will be able to see Granny again one day. We are all sinners; each one must believe that Jesus died on the cross and confess their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. That is the only way you're going to have that blessed assurance and see Granny one day.

I know she is happy with Jesus and Pop-Pop in heaven. Thank you, Lord.

You can read Phoebe's obituary and some of many other tributes she inspired here.

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