
Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Those Who Wield The Nuclear Sword Risk Perishing By It

The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock" is
currently set at 100 seconds to midnight. 
Developments in the escalating Russian-Ukraine war are raising new concerns about whether it might trigger a nuclear Armageddon.  

"The clock's original setting in 1947 was seven minutes to midnight. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 16 times for a total of 24, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 100 seconds, from 2020 to the present."

It is way past time for all nations concerned to use every means possible to end the current arms race in the region and to invest time, energy and all out efforts at diplomacy to end this terrible tragedy. 

As much as I affirm the right of the people of Ukraine to their homeland, I am still unable to justify the use of weapons of war to defend that right. If "defend" were really possible, as in simply preventing an invasion and avoiding the unbelievable bloodshed and suffering caused by bombs and missile strikes, that would be desirable, of course. But can the escalating use of weapons of massive destruction really be called defense

A fortress wall is a defense. A locked and secure home is a defense. Body armor is a defense.  But what we have come to call defense is really a horrific, terrifying and unimaginable offense, a death dealing holocaust of destruction and devastation. Sadly, the US is supporting it to the tune of billions of dollars invested in a war that can never be won without the untold sacrifice and suffering of countless numbers of God's beloved children on both sides.

Would it be better to offer only non-violent resistance to the Caesars, Napoleons, Hitlers and Putins of this age rather our engaging in equally ruthless and barbaric acts of terrorism? 

A hard question. How might Jesus, who lived under Roman occupation, answer it?

Kyrie Eleison. Lord have mercy.

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