
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Community Raises Some $$$$ For A New Van

Saturday morning guests enjoyed some of Harrisonburg's finest coffee, donuts and other pastries at Gemeinschaft's 'Dollars for Donuts' fundraiser (photos by Greg Versen, a Gemeinschaft supporter and a member of the planning group).

Everyone was impressed by the original songs composed and performed by Gemeinschaft residents--with the help of Rebecca Kenega (on the right) of Amplify Music and some great JMU student volunteers. The German word Gemeinschaft means community.
John Butler, Resident Life Coordinator at the Gemeinschaft Men's House (and a graduate of the program) was one of the planners of the event and inspired the group with a brief presentation. He graduates with honors from Mary Baldwin University this Sunday.

Rebecca Kenega of Amplify Music, also a part of the planning group, really helped make this event possible. 

Gemeinschaft owes special thanks to Community Mennonite Church for making their space available, and to local businesses for donating coffee, donuts and other pastries, along with a host of donor appreciation door prizes. Generous community support made it possible for every dollar of the over $4000 raised through Saturday's event to go toward the purchase a much needed van to replace Gemeinschaft's aging and ailing vehicle. 

You can still make your contribution at 

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