
Monday, April 18, 2022

To Sanford, With Love--A Service Of Memory

Family members and friends of my oldest and only remaining brother Sanford gathered for a memorable service in his memory Saturday at Pilgrim Fellowship Church, located next to the Augusta County farm where all nine of us siblings grew up.

The songs for the service were ones Sanford had chosen for the funeral he and Martha had planned, which was to be in both Spanish and in English. But due to Covid regulations in Costa Rica his burial had to be within 24-hours of his death, so the funeral service was held the next day and was in Spanish only. All of their ten children, half of whom live in the states, were blessed to be present for his passing and for the memorial service that was live streamed for all of us unable to attend.

Since so many of us couldn't be present for that service we planned a celebration of life here that was in turn live streamed to Martha and others across the states and in Central America.

The first hymn Lord Speak to Me is one Sanford recalled my having led at his ordination service in September of 1960. He wanted to mark the beginning and ending of his ministry with this prayer hymn, and had requested I lead it.

The second one, Great is Thy Faithfulness, was sung in connection with Sanford's experience in the hospital ten years ago following a severe heart attack. After his first night he reported having been blessed by a group of strangers who came into his room and sang this beloved hymn for him. When he inquired of Martha the next morning as to who the singers were, she assured him no one had been there. So was it just a dream? A vision? A choir of angels? Saturday we became that choir to sing it in his memory.

Pastor Johnny Miller of Minerva, Ohio, read a scripture, Ephesians 2:1-10, that Sanford, at 91, with Martha's patient help, had memorized not long before his death, a special challenge since he could no longer see to read the text. 

Miller recalled visiting in Sanford's home with his father when he was only 15 years old and recalling their having talked about the idea of evangelization by colonization in a country like Costa Rica, a dream to which my brother devoted most of his adult life. Two of the Miller's children later married into Sanford and Martha's family.

A highlight of the service was having Hosea Troyer, administrator of Faith Mission Home, a residential training school for the mentally handicapped, share the story of Sanford's vision for that work and for his role as the Home's first administrator. Many of us were moved to tears by the inspirational choir of staff and students from Mission Home who sang for us.

The remainder of the service and at the meal that followed was one of sharing a multitude of memories and tributes from friends and family, followed by members of his extended family singing a song Sanford had composed years earlier.


                         Order of Service

“Lord Speak to Me” 
“Great is Thy Faithfulness”

Scripture meditation and Prayer ................... Johnny Miller

Mission Home Memories c/o Hosea Troyer, with staff and
students from Faith Mission Home

“King of My Life”
“Each Step I Take” 

Open mic sharing of memories and blessings

"Strangers and Pilgrims"..........composed by Sanford
“There is a Land of Pure Delight” #596...Isaac Watts

Closing comments and prayer ....................... Joe Peachey

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