
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Change Of Venue For A Unique Fundraiser

Please note that the location for this unique Saturday morning "fun-raiser" has been moved from Lucy Simms Community Center to the Community Mennonite Church, right next to Gemeinschaft Home's new Women's House. 

The response of community businesses has been wonderful. They are providing their best coffee, donuts and other pastries as well as numerous door prizes. Community Mennonite, which owns the Dean House (the home of Gemeinschaft's Women's program) is graciously providing its social hall for this low-budget event. 

Low budget means that virtually all of the $50, $100, $200, $500 or $1000(!) "van payments" you make will help Gemeinschaft replace its aging and ailing vehicle with a new 15-passenger van that will more adequately serve the residents of the two houses.

If you can't attend this event in person on May 7--and enjoy some amazing original music composed by Gemeinschaft residents--you can make your contribution online.

Thanks for your generous help!

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