
Monday, February 14, 2022

A Lament For The Forgotten On Valentines Day

Lucas Schrock-Hurst, a thoughtful local songwriter (and a lightning strike survivor!), offers his own take on Valentines Day (below). He hosts a weekly podcast at

I'm sure local songwriter Lucas Schrock-Hurst has nothing against observing an annual Feast of St. Valentine, dedicated to a first century saint who according to tradition performed Christian wedding ceremonies at a time when it was illegal to do so. 

But like so many holidays with religious origins, he sees Valentine's Day as having been coopted by a Mammon-driven marketing machine bent solely on making obscene profits.

According to an official Catholic source there are actually three Christian martyrs named Valentine who are to be officially honored on this day. So while the history of these Valentines may a bit murky, the world needs all the celebrations of good love it can get.

Meanwhile, I share Lucas's regret over the many people who are left out on a day we've dedicated to celebrating love. Here's his lament, which I post with his kind permission:

Valentine’s Day is Terrible        
© Lightning Lucas and Andrew Claassen, 2020

Valentine’s Day is terrible, think of all the people it leaves out
Valentine’s Day is terrible, it’s a holiday that I could live without
Valentine’s Day is terrible, no one wants to buy those roses or those chocolates or those candied hearts

Valentine’s Day please go away, I don’t need any more reminders that I’m single still,
I guess that I will just let you go by and then celebrate cheap candy day.

Valentine’s Day is terrible, I said no one wants to buy those roses,
Valentine’s Day is terrible, I hope that this supermarket closes,
Valentine’s Day is terrible, think of all the people it leaves out
Like single people and priests and married people who are broke, and people who misspoke and got their butts dumped, and divorcees and widows and widowers, and little kids who's parents are poor, and time travelers, and stormtroopers and communist revolutionaries, 

Valentine’s Day is terrible
Valentine’s Day please go away, I don’t need any more reminders that I’m single still,
I guess that I will just let you go by and then celebrate cheap candy day.

[Guitar solo on chorus chords]

Valentine’s Day is terrible, think of all the people it leaves out
Valentine’s Day is terrible, consumerism is what it’s all about
Valentine’s Day is terrible, even if you have someone special do something special for you special someone without a special day. 

Valentine’s Day please go away, I don’t need any more reminders that I’m single still,
I guess that I will just let you go by and then celebrate cheap candy day.

[Guitar for first 2 lines]

What’s that you say, let’s go on a date, have I told you how much I love Valentine’s Day?

Here's the link to access and support Lucas's podcast Or you can find and subscribe to 'Hold That Note' wherever you get your podcasts.

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