
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Could We Consume By Half, Give By Twice?

God's earth is suffering the effects of global climate change. God's children and God's creatures are in peril due to the unsustainable and exploitive practices of our greed-based industrialized economies. (World Vision photo)

For the love of God, let's respond with heart-felt, radical and life-changing love for our ever more needy neighbors around the world. The only way we can survive as fellow travelers on the God-given earth on which we live is if we all repent of our excesses and share in ways that bring about greater equity in the world. Our consuming by half and sharing by twice will not only help keep our neighbors from starving, but will help repair the fragile planet on which we all depend for our life. 

Consuming By Half

Downsizing by half, reducing our housing space and/or adding more persons per home

Lowering water heater temperatures, insulating well, wearing extra layers to reduce heating costs on cold days, reducing cooling costs in summer

Cutting eating out by half, drastically reducing consumption of desserts and junk foods, preparing simple meals

Reducing shopping trips and vacation travel by half

Cutting spending for new clothes, shoes, furniture, etc., by half (or way more) 

Limiting use of automatic washers, dryers, dishwashers to a minimum

Reducing the percentage of our congregational budgets spent on our own 'needs.'

Giving By Twice

Dedicating all money saved to reducing debt, practicing extravagant  giving

Increasing the number of simple meals shared with people in need of friendship and food

Doing twice as much carpooling, walking and/or using public transportation

Volunteering time to helping neighbors, supporting charitable causes.

Investing in Company of Heaven stock instead of the Mammon-driven market

Celebrating as we watch our Kingdom of Heaven assets grow!

We can start by investing here

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