
Friday, December 17, 2021

Our Christmas Letter From Hawthorne Circle

Greetings from our new home! After 33 years at 1135 Hamlet Drive in Rockingham County, we officially moved on August 5 to the other side of the city/county line, to Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community’s Park Village. Our little apartment is sandwiched between two good neighbors who are a part of our wonderful and hospitable community.

Downsizing and simplifying our life by reducing our possessions proved to be anything but a simple task. In addition to making many trips to our local Gift and Thrift store and numerous treks to the landfill, we had a benefit backyard auction on August 21, along with numerous tables of free items available on a donation basis, all to to help raise money for Mennonite Central Committee’s refugee relief efforts.

Living in a smaller space, with no wood stove to keep after, and no garden or lawn work to do (though we do plan to use a small garden plot behind our new place), we’re adjusting to having more time for reading, visiting and for other community and church projects. This is a great opportunity to slow down a bit, though Harvey is still doing some counseling two days a week. We also remain active members of the house church we’ve been a part of since our years at the Zion Mennonite Church near Broadway from 1965-1988.

Our son Brad enjoys life as a musician, part time private tutor and an active member of the Pittsburgh Mennonite Church. Son Brent is an independent contractor in Harrisonburg and is the chief installer for his wife’s Heidi’s interior decorating business. They are members of the Park View Mennonite Church two blocks from our new home. Their oldest, Madelyne, a high school junior, works part time at Chipotles restaurant and is looking forward to being a part of a CNA training program for future health care workers next semester. Ian is a busy high school freshman and Keaton is an active 7th grader at Skyline Middle School. Daughter Joanna teaches English as a Second Language at an elementary school in Pittsford, NY, and grandson John Mark is taking advanced classes as a high school junior, is on the school’s soccer team and is a cellist in the school orchestra. Twins David and Maria are eager fifth grade learners.

But the highlight of our life remains the news of a long anticipated child!  Yes, even in our ripe old age we join millions in heaven and on earth in celebrating this birth announcement:

                                                 Tidings of Great Joy!

For unto us  _______________________,

a child is born, a Son is given.

He is our just and wise Governor, 

and his name shall be 

Wonderful Counselor, 

Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, 

   Prince of Peace!     

(Isaiah 9)


  1. Amen, Harvey! And that baby soon became an undocumented immigrant as they fled town.

    I'm happy to learn the two of you are adapting to new digs, and I'm sure you're glad to have this "downsizing" behind you. I actually benefited from doing that in 2013 and moving 4 times since then. I discarded "stuff" every time. Still lugging seven boxes of mementos I can't yet part with, but as long as I don't unpack them, they're easily discarded.

    A very happy Christmas Tide to you and Alma Jean.
