
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A Sure Way To Radically Reduce Abortion

Laws restricting or prohibiting abortions have been  focused almost totally on women with unwanted pregnancies. But what if we enacted new legislation placing primary responsibility on the men who impregnate them?

Pregnancies are, after all, generally the result of men aggressively pursuing women as a way of satisfying their sexual urges, and less often a case of women actively seducing men for their personal sexual pleasure. 

And think about it, one man can potentially impregnate scores of women in a year's time with a nearly unlimited amount of sperm, whereas a woman can only become pregnant and give birth once during that same time period. In my opinion, that alone should be reason enough to shift the focus of legislation to regulating male behaviors and choices.

At the very least, a law requiring men seeking a sexual partner to provide proof of having had a vasectomy and/or providing protection against a woman becoming pregnant against her will would seem like a decent place to start. 

It would also be fair to require men to provide financial support for every woman they impregnate from the moment fetal cardiac activity can be detected in an embryo, say at six weeks into a pregnancy. In other words, child support could be mandated from the time an embryo exhibits signs of having a human heartbeat, thus providing full support for adequate prenatal and postnatal care for the mother that would be required by law and universally enforced. 

Meanwhile, twelve-year-old girls who have the legal right to choose whether to wear masks and/or to get vaccinated for Covid should also have the right to choose whether to carry a child conceived against their will through coercion or manipulation by some aggressive predator.

I join with pro-life-minded women and men everywhere who honor and protect life from conception, with abortions performed only in cases of incest, rape, or for significant medical or health reasons, and not as a primary means of birth control. But I think it's high time for those of us without the God-given means to conceive and give birth to make sure all men are made fully accountable for their actions and choices.

Official Mennonites stand on abortion:


  1. ...since laws are made by men this logical approach will never happen.

  2. Fortunately, we are seeing more women legislators than ever.

  3. It is great to read your statement: " I join with pro-life-minded women and men everywhere who honor and protect life from conception." My question is why should an innocent life be terminated because of the "sins of the fathers" in the case of rape? Check out the Facebook page of Love Louder, Inc. - a women who started an organization to support women who have become pregnant from rape as she did and see her beautiful son who is a produce of her own rape.

  4. I resonate with Leona Myer. Yes, why should a life be ended because of the sin of the father? James Robison, former evangelist, now advocate for relief to the poor (drilling wells, shoes for barefoot children, etc.) was a child of rape. A life is a life.
