
Thursday, April 29, 2021

People Of Faith Should Support Immunizations

Having grown up in an era when diphtheria and polio threatened the lives and health of many in our community, I'm disheartened and dismayed by the number of good folks today who are refusing to get their COVID vaccines. 

Some resist because they feel there has been insufficient time to study the effects of the inoculations, and simply don't trust them to be safe.

Others are persuaded that the risk of COVID infection has been overplayed, and that our government is wanting to gain control of people's lives in ways that threaten their liberty.

Still others are buying into all kinds of conspiracy-based falsehoods circulated on social media, such as 1) vaccines are contributing to miscarriages, infertility and other serious health problems, 2) thousands of people are dying as a result of getting the vaccine, but the mainstream media is prevented from reporting this 3) Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci deliberately caused the spread of infections in order to profit from vaccine sales, and/or 4) vaccination campaigns are being conducted as a way of injecting computer chips into people that will enable an evil government to control and track everything we do--and that it is a sign of the "mark of the beast" described in the book of Revelation.

Here is an interview Dr. Francis Collins, an evangelical Christian and the head of the National Institutes of Health, urging everyone to become immunized out of love for our neighbors 

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