
Monday, January 11, 2021

An Urgent Petition To Sign and Share

We need 1000 signatures before the MRRJ Regional Authority meets February 2.

We, as citizens of Rockingham and Augusta Counties and the cities of Harrisonburg, Staunton and Waynesboro, oppose spending millions to build more jail space at Middle River Regional Jail to incarcerate predominantly non-violent offenders.

We  support proven alternative strategies that strengthen families and communities and significantly reduce jail populations, such as:   

1.  Investing in comprehensive drug treatment facilities and mental health, employment, and other programs that 

     a) divert non-violent persons from the criminal justice system, and 

     b) divert non-violent probation violators instead of reincarcerating them.

2.  Having pre-trial persons incarcerated only if they are an immediate danger to the public.

3.  Having non-violent offenders who can safely work and live at home on electronic home monitoring.

Here's the link:

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