
Friday, December 18, 2020

Franklin Graham Encourages Christians To Pray For The President-Elect--And Thousands Protest

Franklin Graham was an early and loyal supporter of the
President, but he also met with Barak Obama, as did
his father, Billy Graham, who had close relationships
with numerous American presidents.
Citing I Timothy 2:2-3, Franklin Graham posted the following on his Facebook page two days ago:

"As we approach a transition in the leadership of our government in Washington, it is critically important for followers of Jesus Christ to pray for those who will be making decisions that impact the future of our nation. Just because we might not have voted for someone doesn’t mean that we get a pass to not pray for them. The Bible instructs us to pray for all of our leaders—“all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:2-3). We must not give up or waiver.  

"Pray for President-elect Joe Biden, that he would not be swayed by the voices of self-interest, but that he would listen to the still small voice of Almighty God. I met then-Senator Joe Biden many years ago through Senator Jesse Helms when I went to meet with him in the capital. Senator Helms paid him a compliment and said Senator Biden was a Democrat that Republicans could work with. I pray that this will hold true for the future. Pray for President-elect Biden every day—that God would direct His decisions."

As of today the post has generated over 46,000 comments, most of them negative. Here is a sample:

"When we have an evil leader how are supposed to cooperate? I believe in praying for and respecting the office, but evil is evil."

"I pray the Truth will be brought to light that it was Truly a Trump Landslide."

"President Trump has SEVERAL paths to victory. Do NOT lose your faith!"

"Biden will never be my president. He's a traitor."

"With All Due Respect, Mr. Graham, I Can Not pray For Demons!"

This outpouring of mostly critical responses prompted Graham to post the following clarification yesterday: "Some thought this meant I am not supporting President Trump or am giving up. That's just not correct. President Donald J. Trump is still our president, and he still has my full support and prayers. After the electoral college voted I simply felt it was important to remind everyone that Joe Biden needs to be high on our prayer list."

It should be noted that all of the apostle Paul's instructions to pray for, and to practice a kind of subversive submission to, civil authorities were given during the reign of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus.


  1. I have a couple of relatives who love Romans 13.1 because they can use it for whichever President they favor. They love Trump, so God sent has a savior of the US; they hate Obama and Biden, and thus God sent them to show true evil that must be defeated.

  2. ...if Franklin Graham is a Christian, count me out!

  3. Douglas, yes, so true of so many.
