
Monday, October 5, 2020

(Warning: Serious Satire Alert!) Archeologists Discover Fragments Of A Missing "US Gospel"

With tongue firmly in cheek, I submit the following version of a wished for "Kingdom of US" Gospel, one that recently came to light during one of my times of early morning insomnia:

Fragment I includes an upgraded version of the Beatitudes, including such welcome words as "Blessed are the privileged, the protected, the pampered," etc., followed by assurances like "for they shall inherit the earth," and "great is their reward in heaven."

Fragment II contains a heretofore lost prophecy, as follows: "It shall come to pass in the latter days that brave explorers will discover a pristine new world, decimate its native population, exploit its forests and other resources, and with the help of slave labor and cheap immigrant workers, establish  the "Kingdom of US" as the most powerful nation on earth, with hundreds of military (and missionary) outposts all over the globe."

Fragment III hails this future "Kingdom of US" as offering "freedom and justice for all," with "all" being variously defined over time by its legislators and jurists.

Fragment IV is considered by some scholars to be from a later source, but many "US" citizens embrace it as an indisputable part of their Gospel, as follows: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

Fragment V includes extensive plans for building a secure wall (one their neighbors will pay for) along the southern border of the Kingdom as a defense against rapists, drug dealers and other criminals, and accompanied by policies regarding "aliens and strangers" that often separate desperate families from their children. A northern wall is also prophesied, one that will keep such evils as socialized medicine from entering the realm.

Fragment VI is an addendum to Jesus's teachings about the sanctity of life. It explicitly states that since all life begins at conception, that even using a morning after pill in the case of incest or rape would be the exact moral equivalent of the cold blooded murder of a living, breathing newborn. This fragment resolves without question the age-old debate over when a life being fashioned in the womb becomes a "living soul" and thus becomes one of "the least of these sisters and brothers of mine." *

Fragment VII, a revision of earlier gospels, offers God's permission to pledge our lives and allegiances to both Caesar and Jesus, and to serve both God and Mammon--as long as we do so as honest, law-abiding citizens.

Is that good news or what?

P.S. Setting all satire aside, I sincerely hope no one takes offense at my amateur attempt to remind us all to carefully distinguish between the Kingdom of GOD and any version of a "Kingdom of US." Meanwhile, don't we all wish Jesus had spoken more explicitly about current issues such as abortion, racism, earth care, homosexuality and war-making?

* If you want to know more about where I stand on abortion, please take time to read this:

1 comment:

  1. ...the Gospel according to Trump, I hear that God can work with anyone!
