
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ten Sure Signs That God's Reign Has Begun

While Jesus was living in the Galilean hills, John, called “the Baptizer,” was preaching in the desert country of Judea. His message was simple and austere.... “Change your life. God’s kingdom is here.”
Matthew 3:1-2 (the Message)

What are clear and convincing signs that God's rule has begun on earth as it is in heaven?

1. When followers of Jesus all put their oversized homes on the market--or open them up to people in need of shelter.

2. When people are as likely to invite the poor, the hungry, and the stranger as guests as they are their friends and family members.

3. When the staff and leadership of our church institutions voluntarily live on less in order to further their cause, in the same sacrificial way their founders did.

4. When Christian colleges, universities and other institutions in the US are as interested in including believers from poorer parts of the world to be on their boards (via teleconferencing) as they are in recruiting big US donors as board members.

5. When the lines at our local Virginia Relief Sale Giving Table are as long as those for doughnuts or Brunswick stew.

6. When believers everywhere begin to lay down their arms, refuse to take part in war and other forms of violence and see their primary allegiance as being to the peaceable Kingdom-of-God-movement around the world.

7. When multitudes become pro-life, and when all pro-lifers become just as concerned about millions of children who are victims of famine, war and and other forms of violence--and about children being separated from their parents at the border--as they are about the fate of the unborn in the womb.

8. When people demonstrate greater dedication to earth care and care for the environment than they do to their lawn care.

9. When those with special needs are esteemed as highly as are celebrities with special gifts and talents.

10. When church and charity sponsored events generate even greater levels of enthusiasm than do sporting events.

What signs would you add?

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