
Thursday, March 14, 2019

A Son's Tribute For His Father's Funeral

Brian's father Allen 1937-2019

Brian Brubaker is the oldest son of my friend Allen Brubaker, whose memorial service I attended last Saturday, along with hundreds of others.  Brian, who was painfully absent due to his serving a sentence at the Augusta Correctional Center near Craigsville, has demonstrated a remarkably changed life, and has been a great blessing to his family and to countless others.

He wrote the following touching tribute to be read at the service:

Dear Friends and Family:

It brings me deep sorrow that I cannot be present today, but since I have received much mercy and grace from my father for the circumstances I find myself in, I want to at least honor him by telling of his ministry to me.

In recent years I’ve gotten to know my father better. He has helped me learn that none of us is perfect. Whatever his own slight imperfections were, I value them because they brought him to know his need for a savior and he passed that onto his children. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited as being one of the early authors of the thought that our brokenness is what lets the light in. I know my father had Christ’s light living within him, and he will now be forever alive in Christ.

My life has been a desert the last ten years, but my father truly lived Isaiah 35 as he reached out to me and brought me the light of Jesus.

“The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad. The desert shall rejoice and blossom. Like the
crocus, it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing…
… Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a
fearful heart, “Be strong, do not fear, here is your God... he will come and save you.”

In some ways this is happening already for me. My father treasured the body of Christ, and worked his whole life for it. And now I am reaping the benefits of that work, because many of you here today have become Dad’s friends. Your visits and kindness to me have sustained me and have answered the promise of Isaiah 35.

May all our pain, fear, and discomfort be lost in the love of Jesus.

Your Kingdom Highway Companion.


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