
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Some Sound Advice For Aspiring Leaders

"If only..." can be the saddest words we ever utter.
Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.
- Proverbs 3:13-14 (NIV)

Recent developments in my home state remind us of how people's foolish past behaviors can result in some truly disastrous consequences.

Wise decisions, by definition, are those we can look back on later and feel great about, the results being positive and gratifying. Foolish ones are those we look back on with regret and ask, "What were we thinking?"

Some of us have learned that while experience can be a great teacher, we certainly don't want to have to learn everything from experience, i.e., the hard way.

Here are some examples of imprudent past actions on the part of public officials that have resulted in major regrettable consequences. Each could and should have been wisely avoided:

• Wearing blackface or donning Klan outfits

• Making racially insensitive comments

• Excessive drinking and partying

• Exploitive and demeaning sexual behavior

• Abuses of power

• Exploitation of undocumented workers for financial gain

• Being unfaithful to ones spouse

• Engaging in shady business deals

• Lying, exaggerating, misrepresenting

• Groping and disrespecting women

•Adulterous affairs, promiscuity

Lesson to be learned?  The wise may sometimes be judged as prudes, but there's simply no downside to being consistently prudent.

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