
Sunday, January 6, 2019

"My Granddaughter, Now In College, Found Me On Your Blog After Ten Years Of Separation"

Jonathan White, a respected inmate at Augusta Correctional Center, recently wrote me the following about his granddaughter, now a first year student at Georgia's Valdosta State University. Today is her birthday. 

Here is what he recently wrote:

I am so thrilled today at my granddaughter's college grades for her first semester classes. She made the Dean's List with four A's and one B! Yes, that once young teenager who found me on your blog site after ten long years of separation from the last time I had held her on my knee in the Brunswick Visiting Room (where we played scrabble together for the very first time) has become an "honor student" well on her way in her chosen nursing studies. Praise God!"

Nikki White will be turning 19 years old January 6. She still designs clothing in her spare time and wishes to visit either France or Japan one day. I have got to find someway to help her fulfill that dream. I also wanted to visit Spain when I was her age,  and if I ever get my rights back to travel that is still on my bucket list. If you learn of any positive means that I can help her make that dream come true, do share that information with me. 

I am pursing a proposal for to establish a Parole Peer Support Group here like the one at Buckingham Correctional Center. We have 243 parole eligible offenders here at ACC, nearly 11.5% percent of the total of 2100 in Virginia, and they need a positive pre-reentry peer support group to strive in hope while awaiting parole. l will update you on it once it is reviewed and considered.

"But the one who peers into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres, and is not a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, such a one shall be blessed in what he does." (James 1:25, New American Bible)
Here is Nikki's address:

Ms. Dominique "Nikki" White
Valdosta State University
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, Georgia 31698

1 comment:

  1. Hi it’s Nikki! Thankyou so much for this post, supporting my grandfather, and thankyou so much for the card! It is truly appreciated!
