
Monday, December 31, 2018

Day Seven Of Christmas--Pray For The Healing Of The Nation

The nation is in deep trouble.
While many US citizens experience material prosperity and still enjoy the blessings and freedoms afforded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, there are many moral and social ills in the nation that should be of great concern:

- Polarization, animosity and divisions are increasingly evident everywhere. Disagree with me and you are my enemy.

- There is a sharp decline in our respect for truth. Misinformation and outright lies are accepted as somehow OK.

- Our annual military budget more than exceeds that of the next ten highest nations combined.

- Our rate of incarceration is by far the highest of any nation in the world.

- Our abortion rate, while in decline, is still unacceptably high, and nearly 40% of our births are to  unwed parents.

- Some 13,000 immigrant children are being held in detention.

-  Over 70,000 people in the US each year are dying as a result of opioid addictions.

- The gap between the very rich and the very poor is widening.

Meanwhile, here are ten things you can do for your country:

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