
Friday, November 9, 2018

A Thoughtful Article On The Migrant Caravan

Regardless how we feel about Central American migrants seeking asylum in the US, wouldn't it be better to offer aid to help better their lives where they are than our investing billions in building a bigger wall?
One of my grand-nephews who lives in Nicaragua recently sent me a link to an article I've read and reread several times. It's one of the more moderate pieces I found on a generally anti-immigrant online news source called the Stream, and it includes the following statement on the situation in Honduras:

"In regards to unpunished violence, my husband’s brother was shot dead point-blank two years ago and no police action was taken even after filing several reports with eye witnesses. And three years ago, my husband was kidnapped and brutally beaten by local gang lords only to confront similar apathy from the authorities once he escaped.

"When cattle thieves stole and killed our two milking cows last year, I walked down the gravel road to the local police station only for the policeman to shrug and tell me that that type of crime is to be expected. No action was taken to investigate or punish the crime."

In spite of this, the author, who also states that even teachers in Honduras earn less than $400 a month, nevertheless believes Hondurans should stay in their country rather than seek asylum or try to find a better life in the US for their families (as most of our own ancestors did).

What would you do?

Here's the link to the entire article:

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