
Monday, October 29, 2018

Countering Holocaust By Supporting HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)

Hatred of this Jewish organization appears to have been a
major motivation for the alleged killer Robert Bower's
recent rampage.

"HIAS likes to bring immigrants in to kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered... I'm going in."
- Robert Bower's post on social media just before the killing of 11 people at the Tree of Life Jewish congregation October 27

The Jewish people have a long history of enduring enslavement, persecutions, pogroms, holocausts and forced migrations that goes all the way back to Exodus. Little wonder that they have a heart for people everywhere who experience similar traumas.

In 1881 the organization which later became known HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) was formed in Manhattan to offer help to Jewish refugees fleeing for their lives from anti-semitic purges in Russia and elsewhere. In the years since, they have helped literally millions of Jews emigrating to this country.

In 1975 the US State Department asked HIAS to help with the resettlement of Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodian refugees in the aftermath of the Vietnam war. In that year alone HIAS found homes for over 3,600 in 150 communities in 38 states. This marked the organization becoming even more deeply involved in helping needy refugees of all faiths and nationalities, a tradition it carries on today.

One of the ways we can show our support for the Jewish community in mourning in Pittsburgh and elsewhere is to contribute to HIAS and other organizations that "Welcome the stranger" and "Protect the Refugee."

P. S. Check this link for some good news that came out of this tragedy.

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