
Saturday, June 30, 2018

In Lieu Of Flowers

Sisters Maggie, Fannie Mae and I at a
little family gathering yesterday.
I feel over-the-moon blessed this morning for the gift of another birthday, a beautiful-beyond-words day to celebrate 79 years of life.

I've already had more than enough birthday wishes, congratulations, cards and cakes to highlight my welcome into a rural Oklahoma family of two loving parents and seven older siblings on a Friday afternoon so many years ago. And yesterday I got to be with my two remaining sisters, both of whom live in Virginia, and the two of us made a long distance call to our only remaining brother, who lives in Costa Rica and who just celebrated his 88th.

So join me in any or all of the following:

- Do a random act of kindness for a loved one--or a complete stranger.

- Offer heartfelt thanks to God for undeserved grace and blessings, and especially for family, friends and good neighbors.

- Intercede and act on behalf of millions of people enduring suffering and hardships.

- Spend some quality time with someone who needs your extra love and attention, starting with your loved ones.

- Make a generous donation to a good cause of your choice. Here are a few of mine: (Gemeinschaft Home roof project) (Mennonite Central Committee refugee relief)

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