
Saturday, May 5, 2018

7 Signs We Need To Have Our Hearts Examined

"If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister
in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in
that person?" I John 3:17 (NIV)
Here are a few heart symptoms that may indicate some need for coronary repair:

1. When we cling to our positions of privilege and power in spite of the suffering of masses of people in the world.

2. When we invest more in lawn care than we do in care for others in need.

3. When in the name of "national defense"we justify the intentional slaughter of human beings and the destruction of homes, property, and natural resources.

4. When we hear about people dying from opioid overdoses and think, "They're just getting what they deserve."

5. When our guest lists and our circle of friends include mostly people much like ourselves, and exclude people of other races, ethnicities and faiths.

6. When we claim to worship Jesus but do not strive to actually live like Jesus.

7. When we can drive by a jail or prison and not feel the slightest compassion for the fellow human beings kept in such places for years on end.

What other examples come to your mind?

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