
Friday, January 12, 2018

Your SOS Contributions Put Relief Sale Proceeds Over The Top

Knowing that millions have to live like this should break our
hearts--and open our wallets.
Special thanks to all of you who helped contribute a total of $40,989.04 to the first cash giving campaign at the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale this year.

Sharing our Surplus was an effort to encourage more of the 10,000 who attend the sale, but who don't take part in the annual auction, to make a donation to Mennonite Central Committee for relief needs via cash, check or credit card.

The result this year was a largest ever net sale income of $350,606.04, compared to last year's near record of $322,505.57.

Let's pray that next year, in light of desperate and growing world relief needs, we can double that amount. Or maybe reach a $1 million.

Meanwhile, we can each contribute directly to Mennonite Central Committee online or send a much needed check today to MCC, 21 South 12th Street, P.O. Box 500, Akron, PA 17501-0500.

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