
Thursday, November 2, 2017

You Can Help Gemeinschaft Home's "Raise The Roof" Campaign With A $1000 Loan

Here's a  low-cost and pain-free way to help a good cause.
Gemeinschaft Home just approved installing a much needed new metal roof  on the back of the house that should last for a lifetime. To raise the $33,000 needed for this project, which also includes some necessary work on the front porch, we are soliciting three-year, interest-free loans of $1000 or more, all to be repaid by the end of 2020. Of course, outright gifts of any amount are also welcomed and appreciated!

As a member of Gemeinschaft's Networking and Fundraising Committee, I have agreed to promote this financing effort, one I hope to have completed by the end of this month.

We did a similar "loan-raising" campaign in 2011 to fund an efficient furnace system to heat and provide hot water for the Home, which has resulted in significant cost savings to the program. At the end of the three year period everyone who loaned money was repaid in full from a fund that Gemeinschaft created and added to for this purpose each month (Some individuals chose at the end to turn their loan into a gift).

We would like to raise the necessary commitments in gifts or loans in the next several weeks if possible. You can write a check for $1000 or more with "roof project" in the memo line and mail it to Gemeinschaft Home, P.O. Box 288, Harrisonburg, VA 22803. You will then receive a promissory note for the full amount to be redeemed in December, 2020, if you wish.

Please check the Gemeinschaft website or call 434-1690 for more information.

Thanks in advance for your generous help!

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