
Monday, November 27, 2017

A Christmas Open House Too Good To Miss!

Everyone in the whole world is invited to the 2017 Gemeinschaft Home Christmas Reception and Open House this Sunday afternoon, December 3, at 1423 Mt. Clinton Pike.

Open house will be from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Feel free to bring your questions about the program to members of the staff, residents, and/or Board members.

Meanwhile there will be hot drinks and freshly baked Christmas cookies and treats from the Gemeinschaft kitchen. Residents and staff will also be available for brief tours of the house.

You can RSVP at 540-434-1690 or, or you can just show up.

In either case you can show your support of Gemeinschaft by making a year-end donation and/or a loan toward the $33,000 "Raise the Roof" project. We're almost half way toward our goal for this project!

So please come, and invite your friends and neighbors to join you.

Here are links to the Gemeinschaft website and Facebook pages: 

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