
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Brad Finds A Profound Note On His Doorstep

An anonymous "Fellow Pittsburgher" left this amazing note on our son's
doorstep a number of months ago upon seeing his 

yard sign welcoming immigrant neighbors.
(note transcribed below). 

We have never met.

When my grandparents were teenagers, they traveled, mostly on foot, across Europe. They were "undocumenteds" in every country through which they passed.  They obtained visas to enter Canada, where they met, married and raised a family.

They lived. They were Jews. The remainder of their families did not survive. Canada, the United States and all other countries stopped admitting Jews in the years leading up to the war.

When I drove by your house today and saw your yard sign, I felt some consolation. I felt that your sign honored the family that was lost, because you were telling your community, "Never again."

Kind regards,

A Fellow Pittsburgher

Check this link for more on these yard signs sprouting up everywhere: 

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