
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Contest Entry Updates (Will Add Until June 14)

See preceding post for contest details, then add your creative entries as comments, below, or send them via email to and I'll add them to the list. Thanks!

Here's what we have to date:

1. Give a tithe of what you have in your savings account.

2. Match what you and your household spend annually on eating out.

3. Save the equivalent of a month's rent or mortgage payment to help provide refugee housing.

4. Every time someone in the family has a five dollar bill on them from now until September, put it in a jar.

5. Have a fundraiser yard sale or sell things online, stating what the funds will go to. People are more likely to buy knowing their money is going to a good cause.

6. Grow a "giving garden". Sell the produce at a farmer's market or online. All proceeds to be donated.

7. A thank you gift of $10 for each year of life you have been given, to give a better chance at life for desperate people MCC is working valiantly to serve.

8. Five Dollar Friday: Every Friday between now and the MCC Relief Sale add $5 to a jar, bank, or box. This may feel like an "easy" contribution to make that you might not feel so much. Then at the relief sale you can add to this cash gift. 

9. Buy a bag of coffee beans from an MCC fair trade shop, then brew your own morning coffee instead of buying a coffee every work-day morning.  (The daily savings add up quickly!)

10. Eat more homemade meals, spending family time cooking, eating and cleaning up together.  Give the price of a family meal out to MCC each month.  

11. Sell something you have in your garage or attic that you really don't use any longer.  Give that money to MCC.

12. Take on a lawn mowing job of pay, and donate that time and money to MCC.

13. Involve your children. For example, encourage them to tithe and/or give money earned through mowing lawns, planting and harvesting garden and farm crops, doing car washes, etc.

Note: While the S.O.S.Giving Campaign is officially endorsed by the Virginia Relief Sale Board, this 'contest' to generate additional participation is purely my own.

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