
Sunday, October 30, 2016

If Jesus Were On The Ballot--A Voters' Guide

Major Candidates

A. A Thrice-Married Billionaire Playboy Under Investigation For Ethics Violations

B. A Very Wealthy Professional Politician Under Investigation For Ethics Violations

C. A Heaven-Sent Messiah Under Mandate To Bring Healing and Deliverance To Humanity

Major Faith-Based Positions

___ Great blessings belong to those who are poor now.
       God’s kingdom belongs to them.

___ Great blessings belong to those who are hungry now.
       They will be filled.

___ Great blessings belong to those who mourn now.
       They will be happy and laughing.

___ But how bad it will be for the rich,
       because they have had their easy life.

___ How bad it will be for those who are full now,
       because they will be hungry.

___ How bad it will be for those who are laughing now,
       because they will mourn and cry.

___ How bad it will be for those who are praised now.
       (Just look at the false prophets. 
       People always said good things about them!)
- paraphrase of Jesus' teachings in Luke's gospel

Personal note: Sadly, it doesn't like things are trending in Jesus' direction.

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