
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Racist Fliers Rock Our Daughter's Quiet Town

Fliers include a link to a white supremacist website (blocked out in this photo)
We're living in disturbing times.

One recent sign of this was residents in the Rochester (NY) area town of Pittsford finding white-supremacist literature on their driveways and in their mailboxes urging people of European descent to "Make Rochester Great Again". The fliers direct people to a white supremacist website that states its purpose is to "network like-minded whites for the furtherance of the European white races."

Area response was one of determination not to let this outrage go unanswered. Town leaders issued the following statement Tuesday:

"The Board of Trustees of the Village of Pittsford denounces in the strongest possible terms the recent sinister, racist activities in our community. There is no room for such division and hatred and we have zero tolerance for such despicable behavior in our village or town. This Board stands together as one with all residents and visitors to our Village regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation."

Concerned residents have planned a sign making party for this Saturday afternoon in preparation for a solidarity walk set for 3 pm this Sunday, October 3.

Meanwhile, people are being urged to write positive chalk messages on their driveways in opposition to this kind of racist-based hate.


1 comment:

  1. Harvey, thanks for bringing this to my attention. As you know, I live near Pittsford, but have not seen nor heard about this activity. This sort of thing reminds me of the lack of understanding of history by many of my fellow Americans. Sounds like it's time to increase my contribution to Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Sadly, it's easy for reasonable folks to stay quiet. Be well my friend.
