
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Billboard Aimed At Amish Claims Trump Is "Just Like YOU".

photo courtesy of Chris Landes

Just when I thought I had seen everything, I get this photo on Facebook of a billboard in Lancaster County (PA), deep in Amish country.

Needless to say, I am way beyond mystified as to how the recently formed pro-Trump "Amish PAC" can make the claim of "Just Like YOU" on its billboard. Seriously, one would have a difficult time imagining any candidate more polar opposite of the plain-living and peace-loving Amish.

This doesn't mean Donald Trump doesn't have any redeeming qualities or any viable policies. And as a follower of Jesus I am mandated to love him and respect the office he is seeking. It's just that he's a far cry from being like the modest, God-fearing people of my heritage. 

Think about it: 

one of many rooms in the Trump mansion
Trump's third family-dedicated wife

Trump's preferred mode of transportation

Trump's (and Ms. Clinton's) pro-life plan for dealing with enemies


  1. I could think of some more differences,but hope the Amish remember to think through the ramifications to their society ,of becoming participants in the political arena at all ! Leroy Keim

  2. Thanks for your good words. Good to hear from you!

  3. Is this sign for real??? Photo shop?? If it it is real this is hilarious

    1. Unfortunately, this is real. Chris Landes works with MCC in Akron.

  4. I have been stunned at this mans appeal to the Mennonite community. Mennos an Amish the same, right? LOL

  5. Trump, as the article points out, is redeemable. Hillary on the other hand doesn't even appear to think she needs redemption. I'm happy to see the Amish getting involved.

    1. Thanks for your comment. In that case neither candidate is at all like the Amish Here's a quote by Trump in the Christian Post: "Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes? I work hard, I'm an honorable person."
