
Thursday, June 16, 2016

A President Speaks Out To Fathers

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Regardless of how we may feel about President Obama's political leadership, he and Michelle have set an above average example as parents, as did George and Laura Bush before them.

In a Father’s Day message to the Boys and Girls Club organization in Washington early in his first term, Barak Obama said, "We can talk all we want here in Washington about issues like education and health care and crime; we can build good schools; we can put money into creating good jobs; we can do everything we can to keep our streets safe -- but government can’t force a kid to pick up a book or make sure that the homework gets done. Government can’t be there day in, day out, to provide discipline and guidance and the love that it takes to raise a child. That’s our job...." 

He went on to add, "Too often when we talk about fatherhood and personal responsibility, we talk about it in political terms, in terms of left and right, conservative/liberal, instead of what’s right and what’s wrong. And when we do that, we’ve gotten off track. So I think it’s time for a new conversation around fatherhood in this country." 

On a more personal note, he stated, "Even when we give it our best efforts, there will still be plenty of days of struggle and heartache when we don’t quite measure up. .. I’ve made plenty of mistakes as a parent. I’ve lost count of all the times when the demands of work have taken me from the duties of fatherhood. And I know I’ve missed out on moments in my daughters’ lives that I’ll never get back... But I also know the feeling that one author described when she wrote that ‘to have a child ... is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.’

"I can say without hesitation that the most challenging, most fulfilling, most important job I will have during my time on this Earth is to be Sasha and Malia’s dad."

Good words for Father's Day.

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