
Monday, February 1, 2016

TV-29 Decides It Must Pull Out Of Today's Screening--But The Event Is Still On

Breaking Announcement from local planning group: 

We will have a shift in format today since NBC Channel 29 has declined, as of 3 pm Saturday, to take part in the long-planned forum to be held at the Rockingham County Administration Building today (Monday) noon and at 6:30 pm. Thus we will not be showing their three part investigative series on alleged health care concerns at the Middle River Regional Jail that were aired on December 16-18, 2015, as we no longer have permission to use this copyrighted material. Due to this change, the sessions have been reformatted to focus on community input and information gathering to share concerns with Rockingham-Harrisonburg officials, members of the MRRJ Jail Authority Board and with the elected officials to whom they report.

Please attend. We need the involvement of as many taxpayers and concerned citizens as possible to help support the creation of the kind of criminal justice system that can be a model for the commonwealth. Our desire is to work collaboratively with all parties to help make this happen.

1 comment:

  1. It was an interesting meeting, attended by a number of former inmates and parents of former inmates of MRRJ, as well as city and county officials. We can and must do better by people who are incarcerated, as the way we appear to operate at MRRJ simply plants anger in those we've locked up, and grief in a lot of innocent bystanders.
