
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Words Of Comfort From Unexpected Places

We were deeply moved by a sympathy card that came in the mail today signed by 46 inmates at the Buckingham Correctional Center. We've been blessed by a multitude of expressions of comfort and condolence since the death of my sister and brother-in-law, but these were especially touching.

Here's a sample:

My dear friend and brother in Christ,
It grieves my heart to hear of the loss of your loved ones. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. It breaks my heart when good people have terrible things happen to them like this. Please stay strong. God bless, Charles E. Zellers, Sr.

Dear Harvey,
My prayers are with you during this most difficult time. 
God bless, Thomas J. Flowers

Sorry for your loss. We mourn with you and pray that God comforts and strengthens you through Jesus.  J. Rodriguez

Sorry for your tragic loss. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. 
In Christ, Darrell Farley

Sorry for your loss of your sister and brother-in-law. God will take care of them. No more suffering.
God bless you friend, Kenneth Pack

May the Lord bless you and your family for the loss of your loved ones. They are in a safe place now. Allan Spitzer

Words cannot express the sorrows. I've been where you are. Keep your heads up. I'm in prayer for you.  Slim Walker

Sorry for your loss. Stay strong and God will always bless you. Don't give up, always look forward.
Manuel Jiminez

"Cast your burdens upon the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will not suffer the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22), Carson

My deepest condolences, Wayne

May God carry you and your family through these times of heartbreak and sadness. Death is no stranger to the human race, but is a passage to being with the Most High. I know it may not be easy to cope with your loss, but know that God will comfort your and carry you through anything earthly-based. May God bless you!

"For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand..." Psalm 95:7
May He who created all things comfort you in this time of sorrow. Placing His peace which passes all understanding into your hearts and souls. You will remain in my prayers in your season of mourning and healing, in Christ Jesus.
Your brother in Christ, T. Truslow

Each of the following added similar words of encouragement to their names:

John Nissley, Robert Cleaton, S. Boyd, K. Vaughn, Antoine Allen, P. Howard, Milton F., K. Curtis, R. F., R. Hanson, Toby, G. Walker, James Turke, Michael Miller, R. Diaz, Daniel A., Butch, Bro. Ray Grant, Big Jeff, Floyd Baulch, TugBoat, R. Utterback, Wayne, Logan, Keith Laws, Edward DeHart, Kevin Epperson, Sam, A. F. D., plus several others with illegible signatures.

I've written to several of these men, and a few are on the Christmas card list I posted earlier (It's not too late to still send some!) but most are total strangers.

Their love and prayers are felt and appreciated. God bless them every one.

Some good men from Buckingham
12/18/15 UPDATE: Today we got another wonderful sympathy card sent by Mr. A. Jefferson Grissette of St. Bride Correctional Center, Chesapeake, Virginia, and signed by ten inmates. Truly touching. I met Mr. Grissette at the Augusta Correctional Center over a year ago. He had been there over six months and had never had a visitor.

12/19/15 Update: Another sympathy card today, this one from Kenneth Pack, the gentleman on the left in the photo above, and with 25 additional signatures!

12/21/15 Update: Two more cards from Buckingham, four more signatures!

12/30/16 Update: Four more notes and sympathy cards today, all from Augusta Correctional Center, with a total of 22 comments and signatures. Overwhelming!

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