
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

War's Unimaginable Toll

Jerusalem Post photo
God is our refuge and strength...
God brings an end to war everywhere. 

God breaks bows into pieces, 
   snaps spears in two; 
   burns chariots in fire.

God cries, "Halt! Drop your weapons!
Acknowledge me as sovereign over all nations."
- paraphrase of Psalm 46 

photo by The Independent

We're accustomed to reading the words "Be still and know that I am God" in the Psalm 46 text as a call to quiet reflection. But it's clear from the context that it's really a command to pay attention, listen up, and stop the bloody wars we're engaging in.

The Hebrew word still (rapa) means to "let down" or "cease", to stop whatever we're doing.

In today's troubled world, nothing could be more urgent than having all nations lay down their arms rather than investing in ever more deadly ways to cause death and destruction.

Escalating conflicts set off by shock and awe invasions and iron-fisted dictatorships are exacting a terrible toll all over the Middle East, and it is the innocent who suffer most. In Syria alone there are 6.5 million internally displaced refugees, and over 4 million have fled to other countries.

The world simply can't afford war anymore. We must declare it over, no matter what that costs us.

Because continuing on our present course, fighting evil with evil, will cost us even more, and result in unimaginable disaster.

God says, "Be still! Stop!"

We need to listen.

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