
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Marching For All Life Everywhere

My friend Dean Welty of the Valley Family forum called me yesterday with a last minute invitation to join the group going to the March For Life rally in Washington, DC today.

While I do not favor the criminalization of all abortions as some pro-life folks do, I will always be a strong proponent of protecting and respecting human life at all stages of development. So I have seriously considered joining the March sometime before I die as my way of supporting what I would consider a "whole life" policy, one that demonstrates love and care for all human life from "the womb to the tomb".

I explained to Dean that I probably shouldn't cancel my appointments for today at this short notice, but that I will seriously consider getting on the bus next year--if the group is OK with my carrying placard that might read as follows:

• Anti-War
• Anti-Abortion
• Anti-Hunger
• Anti-Capital Punishment
• Anti-Injustice
• Anti-Overincarceration 
• Anti-Human Trafficking
• Anti-Homelessness

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Harvey, Make two and I will walk beside you next year. Tom The Backroads Traveller
