
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Some Words To Ponder On Your Way To Church

In his book "The Original Revolution" John Howard Yoder (pp. 28-29) summarizes what makes Jesus' life and teachings so revolutionary for his followers:

He gave them a new way of dealing with offenders--by forgiving them.

He gave them a new way to deal with violence--by suffering.

He gave them a new way to deal with money--by sharing.

He gave them a new way to deal with problems of leadership--by drawing on the gifts of every member, even the most humble.

He gave them a new way to deal with corrupt society--by building a new order, not smashing the old.

He gave them a new pattern of relationship between man and woman, between parent and child, between master and slave, in which was made concrete a radical new vision of what it means to be a human person.

He gave them a new attitude toward the State and toward the "enemy nation."

If this vision of a radical new community is what Jesus really had in mind, can we keep on just doing church as usual?

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