
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Reports Of My Retirement Are Greatly Exaggerated

Mark Twain's original quote

Occasionally folks ask me about rumors they've heard that I was retiring.

This doesn't surprise me, since, Lord willing, I will turn 75 at the end of next month. And had you asked me my plans a decade ago I would have probably assured you I'd be fully retired by now.

But here I am, still not sure just when I will end my work at Family Life Resource Center, where I've served as a counselor since the fall of 1988. My present thinking is that as long as I enjoy good health and a plentiful supply of energy, I can't think of any way I'd rather spend my time than doing what I do--including serving as pastor of Family of Hope House Church and being involved in various community causes.

Needless to say, I feel incredibly blessed to being able to work at a place like FLRC. The word "family" in our name is what I experience on a regular basis with my co-workers. They are friends and colleagues who are truly great to work with.

And I totally love all of the clients I've learned so much from in my 25 years of working there. They are a gift that keeps on giving.

Having said that, I have cut back somewhat on my hours, giving myself Monday and Tuesday forenoons off and all or a part of every Friday. So I enjoy the best of both worlds, time for grandparenting, gardening, pastoring, blogging and for other things I care deeply about, plus time for doing what I've grown to love, meeting with individuals and couples going through times of stress.

God is good. How could I ask for more?

And now this message from all of us at FLRC:

Family Life Resource Center invites you to our fundraising banquet, Hand in Hand:  Partnering for Congregational Care, Saturday, May 17 at VMRC's Hartman Dining Hall, 6 pm.  Learn about the exciting plans of FLRC's renewed desire to partner with congregations and the community for care, support, and counseling. Entertainment by a cappella group, Good Company. RSVP to Marie at (540) 434-8450 or by Thursday, May 8th.


  1. Love this re-use of the Twain quote with the original writing! Fun. And how wonderful to have meaningful work with a good community of folks. That's been my privilege also and I'm thankful. Bless the work of FLRC!

  2. And bless you, Melodie, for your kind words and your good work.
