
Friday, May 9, 2014

May That Day Come Soon

Most of us dream of a world in which "the wolf and the lamb will lie down together", and when "nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain". The Biblical prophets were bold in declaring that this would be happening not just in some future far away heaven, but right here on planet earth.

The following are the words of a beautiful song, "Bright New World", I heard recently by a men's ensemble called "Voice of Praise" (includes some of my grand-nephews), from their album "Deliverance". I'm inspired by this vision, something we should all fervently pray for every day--that God's will be done on earth just as it is in heaven.

 Bright New World

Some day a bright new wave will break upon the shore
And there will be no sickness, no more crying, no more war
And little children never will grow hungry any more

Some day there'll be an end to unkind words and cruel
The man who said there is no God will know he is a fool
And peace will be the way of life with love the only rule

Some day, we know not when, when time on earth is done
And those redeemed from every land will all become as one
With voices of all ages praising God the three in one
- from the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade"

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